- Usually green or red works great.
Erase all the Black in the picture.
- Use the eraser with black set as the primary color and white as the secondary color and erase all the black in the picture holding down the right mouse button.
Change your traced color to Black using the eraser.
- Set your primary color to match your traced color and the secondary color as black.
- Then using the eraser as before, with the right mouse button held down, erase your traced color.
Invert Colors.
- Image, Invert colors from the menu or Ctrl+I
Change the attributes to Black and White.
- Image, Attributes, Black and White radio button from the menu or Ctrl+E
Change the attributes back to Colors.
- Image, Attributes, Colors radio button from the menu or Ctrl+E
Invert Colors again.
- Image, Invert colors from the menu or Ctrl+I
You are then left with a Black line traced picture.
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